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Accepted Christ at the age of 11(Spring 1979), been in the Body of Christ for 32yrs.(Spiritual Age), been in ministry for 20(Pastoring that is since 1996), a father of 6, grandfather of 4, Apostle C.L. Yarber, Sr. has compassion for people and is passionate about the commission the Lord has given to the church.

With his unique teaching from the Lord, Apostle Yarber instructs verse by verse , instruction upon instruction , with relevance, simplicity and understanding in the Holy Spirit, dealing with real issues through the Word of God focused on "KINGDOM DEVELOPMENT

The Ministry(Service) entrusted to Us

Established in June of 1996, Kingdom of Christ International's primary focus is what the Lord has commissioned the church to do, that is to "Equip the saints for effective service" through the Word of God: "Line upon line, Precept upon precept".

Not affiliated with any denominational organizations, or religious sects, Kingdom of Christ believes in helping Saints grow in their relationship with the Lord, which helps us   in understanding who we are in the Lord, which helps us live our lives in him through the assistance of the Holy Spirit more effectively and productively as Christians.

We believe in "Teaching" the Saints of God about Christ, and "Preaching" or "Declaring" to the Unsaved  that Christ delivers from disobedience!!!!!



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